Dingbat & Garamond
These broken babies were found hiding in a junk yard in Brooklyn, and have grown into confident, loving kittens. They must stay together. They will bring joy to any home: the pitter-pat of little paws, the snuggles as the weather turns colder. They are ready to find their forever home. Is it with you?
Garamond (all-black shorthair) is male, and extremely devoted and loving. He has a bum paw from a crush injury that is likely to not affect him later in life. He has no mobility issues.
Dingbat (tuxedo longhair) is his sister and has one eye. She is playful, and very attention-motivated. One eye does not slow her down at all!
These two are not yet spay/neutered and would be a “foster to adopt” until that time. They are vaccinated and FELV/FIV negative.